| 1. | It is now in the cold snap position in the talent tree 此天赋将出现在现在急速冷却的位置上。
| 2. | It is now in the cold snap position in the talent tree 位于目前“急速冷却”在天赋树中的位置。
| 3. | Fine for a cold snap , but not if you ' re zooming about in the heat 能够很好的御寒,但是对于热天却没什么用。
| 4. | It ' s quite a cold snap 这次突然降温实在冷得够呛。
| 5. | The cold snap did not lift for a week . every day we skated through the forest 寒冷的天气持续了一个星期,气温也没有回升,每天我们滑着冰穿过森林。
| 6. | The year before , a winter cold snap and a summer heat wave killed more than 2 , 000 people in india 去年,印度的一场冬季寒流和夏季热浪夺走了两千多人的生命。
| 7. | Central greenland experienced cold snaps as extreme as six degrees celsius in just a few years 格陵兰中部经历过多次短冷期,都是在短短数年内便降至6的低温。
| 8. | Labor leaders say the cold snap could cost thousands of field and packing house workers their jobs 农场领导表示,突如其来的寒冷使数千亩土地以及包装工人无用武之地。
| 9. | November and december were much warmer than usual , except for a cold snap in the last few days of the year 除年底数天的寒冷天气外,十一及十二月份均显著较正常温暖。
| 10. | This week , it wasa cold snap in america and turmoil in nigeria that helped the price reach three figures 这一周,美国经济的寒流和尼日利亚的政治混乱共同把油价推到了三位数。